The title of the this blog is the sample title that comes with the tutorial for setting up this blog. I thought it was appropriate because I am finally working on my website, thus, putting myself “out there.” Maintaining my website is a task that I can never keep up with but is currently even more challenging. I have been procrastinating on this task for over a year now, ever since I became a certified Alexander Technique teacher.
The journey towards certification and then towards where I am now is something I hope to share in bits and pieces on this blog. I have learned many lessons which have impacted my singing, my teaching, and my life. I feel like some part of those lessons could be useful to others as well.
So, in a fit of frustration, I booked myself a hotel room at the Jersey Shore, to get the massive stone rolling that is “putting myself out there.” The attached picture is the view. I have enjoyed watching the clouds float on by across this panoramic window and using the in-room coffee maker for hot water so I can eat ramen for lunch instead of a $30 salad downstairs. #travelhack
Self-Study: As I have been working today (navigating anxious thoughts around this project and my career in general), my curiosity was engaged by a familiar habit. I tend to favor sitting with more of my weight on the left side of my pelvis, triggering a pain on left side of my back where the bottom most part of my spine (the sacrum) meets the large bone at the top of my pelvis. Asking myself to remember that this part of myself is actually a part of my WHOLE body, noticing my two feet on the floor, and sending my head away from the keyboard brought some peace to my system.
And I can remind myself of this, as often as I want to, using the passing clouds as a gentle reminder.