What is the Alexander Technique?
What a great question. The Alexander Technique (AT) is a way of learning that teaches us to observe ourselves deeply, gathering information that helps us realize that the way we habitually move is driven by what we are thinking. AT helps us realize that we have choices in the way we engage with the world. We learn how to be aware of (or tune into) our mind-body connection; how we think affects the way we move.
Possible results from implementing an AT practice into your life:
Moving with more ease and efficiency, increasing confidence
Recapturing the joy of engaging in a beloved activity
Improving performance and activities that are important to you
How it has helped me:
The Alexander technique has helped me to realize how habits in my moving and thinking, that I wasn’t previously aware of, prevented me from singing and moving through the world with ease. In fact, these habits were making me quite miserable. My hope is to help light the way for other musicians who want to follow a similar path towards a better experience of living.
Trying to get what we want is so tempting and so limiting. How can we think about the process and the quality of our ourselves while doing what we are doing so that getting what we want (and more!) ends up being the exciting result of the steps we took to get there?
The answer to that question gets us closer to what the Alexander technique is.
“The Alexander Technique is constructive, conscious kindness to ourselves, cooperating with our design and supporting our desires and our dreams.”