Alexander Technique lessons

The Alexander technique has helped me to realize how habits in my moving, and thinking that I wasn’t previously aware of prevented me from singing and moving through the world with ease. My hope is to have light the way for other musicians who want to follow a similar path.

Trying to get what we want is so tempting and so limiting. How can we think about the process and the quality of our ourselves while doing what we are doing, So that getting what we want (and more!) End up being the exciting result of the steps we took to get there?

The answer to that question gets us closer to what the Alexander technique is.

Who are these lessons for?

Music-makers who:

  • Want to improve their skills but are feeling “stuck”

  • Desire more ease and joy and their movement

  • Want to address topics around performance/audition anxiety

  • Know that there must be a better way of doing what they want to do


Embodied voice lessons

I want students to have fun exploring the depths of vocal music and to be bold by allowing something as personal as their voice to be heard! I am passionate about bringing music into the lives of all people. To know that I have a part in fostering appreciation of the arts and that I am teaching students skills that can go beyond the music studio is incredibly rewarding!

My Teaching Style
I tend to toss out a large amount of information to my students which include, but would not be limited to, vocal exercises, sight-reading excerpts, songs in a variety of styles, and specific, often-times far-fetched metaphors. I feel that it is very important for students to understand the purpose of each and every exercise that they work on. I always try to explain why I am asking them to do each task. I want to make sure that they are actively involved in and aware of the development of their voice. I am constantly asking questions like, "How does this feel to you?" or "How is this sound different from that sound?" I have found that vocal development is best understood when students are actively explaining what they are doing instead of me leading them along by mentioning the "right" answers or doing exercises without explanations about why that particular task is helping them.

Why Voice Lessons?
Learning to sing builds a type of confidence that cannot be compared to that which is learned when studying other subjects. Students learn to use their voices to not only project sound but also to project a persona that is strong and self-assured. This type of confidence can be seen off the stage in a variety of areas. For example, public speaking situations may become easier and surviving in an environment of his or her own peers may cause less anxiety.

And, oh yeah, the music! 

I believe that every song in any style contains something valid to learn about and I feel like I have the ability to find those aspects and share them with my students in an exciting way! My enthusiasm gets away from me sometimes - I am sure that many of my students think I am downright silly!

Group teaching

I will be offering a variety of workshops around music, movement and AT!

I am also available to work with your choir! Contact me so we can discuss what is best for your group needs.